MRS News

MRS continues its growth - sister company in Croatia

Created by Michaela Schäffer | |   Company
 MRS in Croatia
MRS in Croatia

MRS has developed into a globally operating company with over 200 employees.

After the founding of its sister company MRS Electronic, Inc. in Dayton, Ohio - USA in 2015, the company has now reached another milestone in its history. Since October 2018 MRS Electronic also has a sister company in Croatia, the MRS Electronic d. o. o. This new location, located in a university in Split, serves support the department of product validation in Rottweil.

The newly founded MRS Electronic d. o. o. in Split is managed by Nikola Moric. Moric is currently still the only employee at the Croatian site, which is planned to be expanded in the coming years.

With its sister company in Croatia, MRS is taking a further step towards internationalisation. Our aim is to equip the company in order to be prepared for the future with the main location in Rottweil.
